Monday, February 05, 2007

Nice Ice, No Snow

Enough with talk of Odd-Sort Winters.
Away with Climate Change Drivel.
We don't need that anymore.

There's ice out and all is beautiful.
There's lily pads, there's skating circles.
There's a dusting at least atop the tundra.

Call forth the damsels and their swinging.
Bring out the skwinging pagentry and song.
Mull dark the sanguine Gluehwein, and sip.

(From Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus I, 15)

Wait ... that taste ... it's already flown.
... just a little music, a stamping, a drone:
You warm maidens, you silent maidens,
dance the taste of fruit we experience!

Dance the orange. Who can forget it?
How, drowning in itself, it struggles to
deny its sweetness. You possess it.
It preciously converts itself to you.

Dance the orange. The warmer season
weave around you, so it ripely shines
in the air of its homeland! Radiant, reveal

fragrance after fragrance! Create the liaison
between the pure, forbidding rind,
and the juice, with which this happy fruit is filled!

Wartet ..., das schmeckt ... Schon ists auf der Flugt.
... Wenig Musik nur, ein Stampfen, ein Summen -:
Mädchen, ihr warmen, Mädchen, ihr stummen,
tanzt den Geschmack der erfahrten Frucht!

Tanzt die Orange. Wer kann sie vergessen,
wer sie, entrinkend in sich, sich wehrt
wider ihr Süßsein. Ihr habt sie besessen.
Sie hat sich köstlich zu euch bekehrt.

Tanzt die Orange. Die wärmere Landschaft,
werft sie aus euch, daß die reife erstrahle
in Lüften der Heimat! Erglühte, enthüllt

Düfte um düfte! Schafft die Verwandtschaft
mit der reinen, sich weigernden Schale,
mit dem Saft, der die glückliche füllt!


Anonymous said...

woodgrain Is this about you!?? ☆★☆

hermesheels said...

ohsocute indeed.
thanks for the amusing link.
(one of many pursuits)